Hi. This web page has more stuff by Sophia and Tom 7.
This stuff is not at our main web page because it is not as exciting
as that stuff. We like to keep this stuff a little more tucked away because it's not
our really good work. Here you'll find Audio Units
and VST plugins that
are handy audio utilities or creative curiosities.
These plugins are free for you and your friends to use. You can use them for whatever
you like, but we'd appreciate it if you:
- tell us if you use them in a song that you release
- let others know where they can find this website
More information and better plugins are available at our main page.

AU: Version 1.2.0 - 19 Dec 2020
VST: Version 1.1 - 25 Feb 2003
RMS Buddy is a handy tool for tracking RMS and peak volume information. It provides
a cumulative, running average RMS of the audio signal, momentary RMS values, and it
keeps track of the peak volume levels. I find it very useful when I'm mastering

Version 1.1.1 - 17 October 2021
Monomaker is a simple mono-merging and stereo-recentering utility. You can use it to
progressively mix down a stereo signal to mono and you can use it for equal power,
center-shifting pans.

Version 2.0.1 - 17 October 2021
MIDI Gater is a simple, handy, MIDI-controlled gate.
When you play a MIDI note, audio turns on.
When you release the note, audio turns off.
MIDI Gater is a little unusual, though, because it is "polyphonic".
What that means is that a copy of the audio signal is created for every MIDI note,
and the volume of each copy is sensitive to note velocity. The level of
sensitivity is adjustable. A minimum volume floor is also adjustable, in case you
don't want your audio signal turning off completely.

Version 0.0.5 - 26 Sep 2020
Audio Units and their preset files and don't have any nice icon, and moreover they
look like blank documents or folders in most cases. If you want them to have icons,
you can download this fake app and put it somewhere on your hard disk. Note that
this app is totally fake (it won't run if you double click it or anything). All it
does is get noticed by the operating system and provide icons that are associated
with the AU and preset file types.

Version 1.0.7 - 29 Nov 2020
This is not a Destroy FX plugin. Freeverb is a public domain reverb algorithm by
Jezar at Dreampoint. Many VST ports of it exist, but there had not been an AU yet,
so Sophia ported it to Audio Unit, and made some improvements too. This AU version
has no custom graphics, but Jezar's VST version never did, either.