Making plugins is fun, but there's a lot of work involved, and some of that work isn't fun. In fact, it feels like a damn job. Lots of plugin developers have noticed this too, and some of them charge shareware fees (or worse) for the use of their plugins. We don't like this idea — the Destroy FX philosophy has always been to offer our software for free.
However, if you really like our plugins or use them in work for which you get paid, you might consider making a donation to encourage us. Click button below to make a payment via PayPal. (It's really easy to do and you can pay with a credit card even if you don't have a PayPal account.) You can give us any amount you want.
And if you are not flush with cash, you can always Leave Us A Nice Message, which is also good encouragement. (But not as good as ca$h money!)
Many thanks and much gratitude to those who have kindly shared donations with us: Paul Seymour, Scott Hampton, Henry Wan Man Lai, Kevin Krebs, Jason Cobb, Basile Zimmermann, Charles Blaker, Peter Tews, Alan Chan, Luis Flores, Kevin Holland, Bob Drake, Art Gillespie, SKW Media, Madcap Magnus Lindberg, Raymund Beyer, Mychal Guzman, Howie Ross, John D'Agostini, Lance Linimon, Rick Brown, Mark Matson, Brian Desmond, Berend Vervelde, Oktay Ahiska, Mathew Danos, Noah Susswein, Lee Ray, Jean-Baptiste Thommen, Alistair Hawkins, Adam Butler, Ted Perlman, Olivier Sebillotte, Chris Gilkes, Kevin Miller, Theodore Mandylas, Matthew Fischer, Nick Noeding, James Drabble, Markus Nolten, Pierre Bean, Ryuta Kawabata, Raphael Julliard, Steve Westbrook, Joel Brindefalk, Homer Smith, Alex Menzies (twice), Anastasis Efentakis, Andrew Lagowski, Wayne Jacobs, Wesley Griffin, Benjamin Sturdy, Derek Lee, Julien Perret, Michael Ross, Hideki Takimoto, Utenzil, John Romero, Patrick Stottrop, Robert DeMaa, Delmas Yann, Sacha Gattino, Duncan Wood-Walker, Jo Boulembercq, Randall Benson, Sven Rose, Søren Brygger Jensen, Lucina Fraser, Michael Weeks, David Flick, Erik Ebright, Ben Goldacre, Nicholas Berezansky, R J Crowdy, Yance Freeman, Michael Silver, Aaron Coleman, Elite Commerce, Billy Bowers, Donald Avera, Brian English, Todd Sorensen, Steffen Kirchhoff, Vance Galloway, Leonard Paul, Ingken Benesch, Samantha Patterson, Duncan Teed, Michael Lowenstern, Andy Slupianek, Vincent Rybicki, Dominique Neraud, Jean-Philippe Barrios, Tommy Henriksen, Andrew Humphries, Quinn McHugh, Mark Brogden, James Stout, Peter Votava, Jesse Newman, Derek Heimlich, Ryan Chittick, Michael Hendrix, Jörgen Andersson, Suite Audio Sound Design, Joshua Byrnes, Asgrimur Fannar Asgrimsson, Dennis Des Chene, Amir Shoat, Christopher Taylor, Matt Holmes, Judith Gruber-Stitzer, Daniel Diaz Fernandez, Marvin Leesch, Boom chr Paige, Dave Wirth, Fred Momotenko, Yoshinori Ihara, Michelle Nguyen, Robert West, Doug Kornbrust, Eric Russell, Michael Andre, DR Hill, William P Uglow, Steven Bryant, Michael Norris, Rodrigo Navarro, Stephen Thompson, DT BR, cars & trains, Kubilay Uner, Hideto Kobayashi, John Atkinson, Dean De Benedictis, Israel Medina Jimenez, Chris Ramsden, Peter Opitz, Julian La Brooy, Ghost Track Records, Nigel Mack, Michael Leach, Michael Andre, Aaron Stockdale, Homaide, Mark Wilson, Perillon Emmanuel, Martino Duma, David Wirth, Andreas Linz, Stephen Burgess, Wesley Cummings, Adam Chelton, Ian Mackey, Rob Simonsen, geniusscientistsupermodels, Robin Loehrke, Robert Crowdy, Steven Holsworth, Debashis Sinha, Heartheartrecords, Fabio Ricci, David Niemi, Carlo Ettisberger, Kevin Holland, Patrice Curtillat, Michiel Braas, Raymond Kaczynski, Ian Hollen, Juan Carlos Blancas Aviles, Matthew Jensen, Etienne Legast, and Peter Andreas.